Can Motocross Goggles Be Used For Snowboarding?

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Can Motocross Goggles be Used as Ski Goggles?

You must have heard that Motocross Goggles can be used for Snow purposes, and it must have made you wonder why to spend extra on pricey snow goggles if low-price MX goggles can do the job.

If you are reading this article, you want to confirm whether there are any risks involved if you wear motocross goggles for snowboarding and why there is a price difference among them. Do not worry.

In this blog, we will explain in detail all their unique features, why there is a price difference, and whether you can use motocross goggles or not for snow purposes. So, keep reading to learn more.


  1. Difference between Motocross Vs. Snowboard Goggles?
  2. Do Motocross Goggles have better Impact Protection?
  3. Is Motocross Goggles Tear-offs good for Snowboarding?
  4. Which Goggles are best, Motocross or Snowboarding?
  5. Can You Use Motocross Goggles for Snowboarding?

1) Difference between Motocross Vs. Snowboard Goggles?

  1. a) Double Lenses
  2. b) Better Ventilation
  3. c) Dirt Removal Feature
  4. d) Wider Peripheral View
  5. e) Superior UV Protection
  6. f) Heating Systems

a) Double Lenses

Premium Snow Goggles have 2 lenses separated by a vacuum. This vacuum creates a thermal barrier, allowing the inside to remain warm, which will stop the condensation of water vapors into liquid droplets and form fog.


Motocross googles have only 1 lens. The main function of this lens is to stop dirt, debris, wind, and other particles from getting into the eyes.

b) Better Ventilation

In winter, the temperature is low, which causes more condensation of water vapors than in summer. That’s why ski goggles are made in a way to allow maximum transfer of air to kick all the moist air out and get the new dry air inside.

While Motocross goggles is mostly used in summer, high temperatures do have much of a condensation problem. However, fogging does happen due to excessive sweat. So, Moto goggles also have great ventilation but a little less than ski goggles.

c) Dirt Removal Feature

Bike Goggles have an additional Tear-Off / Roll-Off feature to remove excessive dirt which is falling continuously and blocking the view. In contrast, snow Goggles have no Tear-Off / Roll-Off feature of any kind.

d) Wider Peripheral View

Both Snow & Motocross Goggles come in variants with wider peripheral view lenses, but these models are much more common in snow goggles.

Snowboard goggles as being used during extreme winter, when everything is covered in white snow, so giving a wider side view is necessary to see all the hard-to-differentiate whitish environment without turning the head which may cause an accident.

In contrast, most motocross goggles are used in summer environments when roads, trees, persons, & everything else looks bright and clear to see. So, Goggles with a less peripheral view can also do the job.

e) Superior UV Protection

The air particles & clouds are the agents that filter out the harmful UV rays coming from outer space. But at heights, there is not enough environment & cloud cover, so the UV rays are high, which will affect the skin.


That’s why all Snow Goggles come with a standard UV protection layer. In contrast, Motocross goggles are used at almost sea level, where UV rays are normal, so many cheap manufacturers do not use Anti-UV layers.

f) Heating Systems

As we already know that in winter, due to low temperatures, ski goggle has a lot of fogging problems because of condensation.

Some premium goggles come with built-in battery-operated lens heating systems, which keep the lens temperature above the condensation point and prevent fogging. In Motocross goggles, this feature is completely absent.

2) Do Motocross Goggles have Better Impact Protection?

Motocross goggles are used on tracks where dirt, rocks, debris, and other hard things are thrown on them, so their single lens has to be extremely durable & shatter-proof.


In contrast, Ski Goggles have 2 lenses, and they face mostly snow and sometimes tree bark, stones, etc. These lenses face fewer impacts, but they are also designed to be extremely strong, and they will also never shatter your face.

Both Motocross & Snow Goggles have the same superior Impact Protection to save your eyes.

3) Is Motocross Goggles Tear-offs Good for Snowboarding?

On a Motocross Track, wet mud is constantly falling on the rider, including the Goggles and sticks like Glue. Mud on Goggles blocks the whole view and may cause an accident.

Tear-Off or Roll-Off features are introduced on Goggles, which are basically thin transparent films; when one gets dirty, you can tear it off / roll it in the cylinder with the mud on it and get a new neat one with a clear view.

In ski goggles, snow does fall on goggles, but it does not stick, and even if a small portion of it sticks to the lens, the fast winds on the mountain’s slope blow it off and never block the view completely like mud in motocross goggles. That’s why there is no need for a Tear-off /  Roff-Off feature in Snowboarding Goggles.

4) Which Goggles are Best, Motocross or Snowboarding?

Both Motocross & Snow Goggles have their own features to deal with their area of use, and none is better than the other.


They are almost similar to each other in their basic features, except motocross goggles have tear-off / roll-off to remove mud, while ski goggles have dual lenses to deal with fog build-up. For further specs, see the table below;



Motocross Goggles


Snow Goggles


Better Mud Clearing


( Tear Off / Roll Off )








Better Anti-Fog Protection




( Dual lens )


Ventilation ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓
Impact Resistance ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓
Superior UV Protection ✓✓ ✓✓✓
Wider Peripheral Vision ✓✓ ✓✓✓
Tinted Lenses ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓
Price ●      Less ●      More


There are 3-main reasons why snow goggles have a higher price than motocross ones;

  • Better Tinting in Snow Goggles to deal with extra Glare
  • They have dual lenses, while motocross ones have only 1 lens
  • More Anti-UV layers in snow goggles due to high UV concentration at mountain heights

5) Can You Use Motocross Goggles for Snowboarding?

We can understand that Motocross Goggles are available at far fewer prices than Snowboard Goggles, and like everybody, you are also attracted to money saving option.

And technically, yes, you can use motocross for snowboarding. But as I say, technically, motocross goggles will provide provides against a fast gust of winds, snow, tree barks, etc.


  • Motocross goggles will ultimately fail to stop the fog build-up, and you may end up in an accident due to blocked vision. Motocross goggles have only 1-lens, while Snow goggles have 2-lenses, which provide a thermal barrier and stop fog build-up by keeping the inside lens warm, above the condensation point.
  • Motocross Goggles have no thermal protection, and your face will freeze up.
  • Motocross goggles have fewer UV protection layers.

“So, it is not recommended wearing motocross goggles for snowboarding because when fog builds up inside the lens and blocks your view, you may end up in a life-risking accident.”







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